Thursday, August 29, 2013

One Year Later

Lookit my magic growing hair!
Well hello there blog, which I have not looked at nor thought about for over a year now. How have you been? Oh, well that's none too exciting. How have I been? Well, That's a story!

The class
After irresponsibly starting this blog, I stayed my time in Denmark enjoying the company of my host family, Kristine, and my classmates. My stay ended on the exciting Studenterkorsel where newly graduated students drive around town visiting parents that supply them with food and drink for a whole day. My entire class (minus one of us that was organizing a music festival, which was also great fun) as shown on the left. I am holding the most delicious sandwich ever in this photo, although I cannot remember what was in it for the life of me. I only remember eating 4 of them during our 15 minute visit.

After returning back to the states I promptly moved out of my parents house and into a shared house with 3 friends from College. Shortly there after I got my current Job at Sears selling Jewelry. I just passed my year mark of employment this past August 1st. I moved out of the house before school started due to house politics and moved back into my parents house, taking over the empty laundry room. This was the best room I've ever had. It was just large enough for my twin bed and all of my things fit in the shelves that took over one wall. The other wall was full of photos and I painted the walls yellow to maximize light.

I went back to school for two semesters balancing school work with misguided love affairs and house parties at my old residence. A lot of things seemed to matter more than they really did, a few things mattered more than I understood. I cried a lot, and made friends. I struggled and excelled all at the same time.

School ended and summer started, I tried to find another job, but things happen all the time. I found myself to become much more social and more able to make things happen. I moved out again, for good this time (or so I say). My old room was once again transformed into a laundry room. Now I'm a resident of "Big White," a rather large white house close to Old Town with 7 other people. I have a closet and a big metal desk with way too many things on it all the time. I have two little companions, Brunhilde (Bruni) the mouse and Roosevelt (Roosi) the fish. I work more hours and am generally more successful with my job. I still can't really cook. I drink more Tea.

Diamond Lake's new postcard girl
I took a week long trip to Diamond and Crater lakes in Oregon with my extended family. Met my new adopted cousin that looks a shit ton like me when I was younger. We camped out at Diamond lake where the mosquitos were abundant and the lake was full of pumas neat! We also square danced and cycled around the lake. I spent most of my time sketching and melting from the heat. At Crater Lake we stayed in the Oh la la lodge where everything was expensive and everyone was dressed to climb mount everest. The lake was beautiful and blue. Blue has a whole new meaning for me now. The  highlight of my trip, hands down, was jumping into the lake from 15 feet. It was probably one of the best five seconds of my life. My grandmother didn't think I would jump and thought I was just posing for a photo.

Fuck yeah the ocean!
I know what's inside now!
As a Christmas in July surprise my dear friend Santa, whom I met while on exchange in Denmark, visited me in my own little town! A fun fact, she was also the first friend I made while on exchange. We visited the Rewoods and toured the coast during her short but very very sweet stay. She also enjoyed her first american pizza, potato chips, redwoods, gondole tour, costal
fog, and bus ride.

 School has started again and I am ready to take it head on. I'm already ahead for readings in week 1 thanks to classes being cancelled due to power outages wednesday. I only go to campus 2 days a week and work. I have three classes but I will probably add a fourth online class. Am I going to keep this up? Probably not, but hey, this is better than nothing right? I'll leave you with a quick list of things I like right now.

Elena blowing out!

Things: Trampolines, "Welcome to Nightvale"
Music: Company of Thieves, Maximo Park
Shows: Community, Downton Abbey, Attack on Titan, Free!
Food: Dinosaur nuggets, Peanut noodles, Arizona Tea
People: Malcolm, Kristine, Olivia